Thursday, June 7, 2012

June Inspiration

(All Images via Tumblr)
It's time to welcome June Bugs & some June inspiration! June means Summer, Summer means vacation, vacation means fun, fun means wild , & wild means free. Free to be whoever it is you are. It's time to be extra bold, and confident. Wear something you've been dying to wear & go out and do something you'd never do (Don't take bath salts and eat someones face off). I'm starting to think people are starting to be too caught up on "What people think about me", and it takes away so much fun from life & fashion. You are who you are, this your life and you don't need to please anyone but yourself along the way.Find some bold colors to match your bold personality. Keep a smile on your face, Yay for June!!  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Eaca Alley!

So I think I've found Hollywood's new hot spot on Sundays, (right off Cahuenga) Eaca Alley!! This spot is actually a little hidden, (right beside the farmers market) but trust me it's worth looking for. As if you didn't already have Space15Twenty yard sale Sundays & the Farmers market, you now have Eaca Alley all right off the same street! How lovely is that? I only got snapshots of my mother's Jewelry booth, but I will make another trip soon and fill you in, but why wait when you can your own personal experience!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Farmers Market

So here's a photo diary of my trip to the Hollywood Farmers Market. I had a fun time admiring flowers, people watching, eating Thai food, and listening to all the great live music. It was my first time listening to someone play the Harp, and boy was it something special. Such a beautiful instrument. The experience here made me really excited for the summer, because that's when my city will be having farmers markets! Which means lots of organic goods, and beautiful fresh flowers.Xoxo

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Eclectic Roots Festival

A few weeks ago, my friends and I we're actually very lucky to come across this event, and get ourselves a spot to vend our handmade goods. Eclectic roots is almost like an underground/cheaper Coachella. Weekend camping, live art, art installations, after parties by the tents, jam sessions everywhere, shredding ramp, food trucks, and lots of fashion! Such great energy was found through out the festival so many smiles, laughter, and dancing. This was my first event with my best friend Valentina and her first time selling! I will post more of her amazing crystal jewelry in future post so stay tuned! Any upcoming summer music festivals you can't wait for? 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Fashion Symposium 2012

The great things that come along with being a fashion student.

 My friend Daisy & I

Doesn't matter what school or city your in being a fashion student is no joke. From all the hard work comes lovely rewards, from a nice grade to a runway show. This past weekend I attended this years Fashion Symposium, and if you didn't know, this an all fashion student work event, from community colleges in all of southern california. It's a great pleasure to have your hard work displayed from production boards, to garments in the different runway shows. There's also tons of amazing give aways, and a few contest. Oh & a free lunch to make it even better! I found myself deeply inspired by the work, simply because I know I am almost there. I am that much closer to being capable of creating my artwork at this level. To me this show is  so unique because almost each piece is from a different designer and each designer is a student. I appreciate the time put into each garment that all from one mind, from the creativity to the labor. The vision, concept, design & sewing  is all one independent person, I admire that so much. It's one of the greatest things in the world to study what you love.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Belle N. Matisse F/W Installation

Some of the artwork found throughout the Ace Gallery before reaching the Installations   

And if you didn't notice the black and white color theme for this F/W was found throughout the gallery! So this is the first time I've ever came across the name Belle N. Matisse and I won't be forgetting it! These garments are so lovely, I found myself fascinated with the sophisticated yet edgy look. These unique geometric silhouettes are a must have! I'm loving the structure of every piece. Each garment has a focal point which allows every piece to stand out in it's own way while maintaining harmony with the rest, because of the emphasis created by the patch of black on the button up and the focal point created by silhouette of the geometric pants, I fell in love with the look (Third model from the left)! Now I love the black splat on the floor, it just about creates this illusion of an exaggerated shadow of the models,  it also allows the installation to unite with concept of the collection & the garments unique silhouettes... keeping it simple but loud at the same time. I guess we all have an idea of the colors or well not so much color we'll be seeing this Fall! Can't wait for next seasons installations!  

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Curly V's F/w Concept Installation

                       (My camera was sure absorbing the vibes)

Missing teeth anyone?... As of this Fall Curly V can solve that for ya! For the second time I've been welcomed to the Ace Gallery to catch a Concept installation by this LA based designer, and each time I've found myself excited and wanting more. As I entered this installation I was instantly feeling these trippy eccentric vibes. Almost forgot where I was for a second. Now quick rewind to his last fall collection where the scale of his prints were a lot larger and very dominant in size, this F/W that has changed, but you will still continue to see this Velvour fabric in it's current saturation. I would love to have that skirt in my closet.. Ahh can't wait to see whats next for Curly!