Thursday, March 20, 2014

Soul Searchin

Recently, I've got a lot on my plate from school, to internships, projects and all loads of  hard work. If it weren't for endless cups of tea and really loud music I wouldn't make it. No seriously my body wouldn't physically be able to handle it haha. I recently showcased my jewelry at an all women artist show.I love attending and showcasing at these events because there is such a cultural good vibe, from sage being burned to the women reciting their poems. Here I wore my Vanessa Mooney tee over my lace dress and vintage beige boots. This tee shirt is a new favorite. It's a piece of the new Vanessa Mooney clothing line and this bad ass shirt speaks for itself. Music is the best escape whether your singing or dancing around by yourself or with your lovers. Raise the volume and Get lost in it. XOXO
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